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Should I Turn Off My Pool Pump if it is Raining?

Should I Turn Off My Pool Pump if it is Raining?

18 Apr, 2023

Deciding whether to turn off your pool pump during rainfall is a common dilemma for pool owners. The pump is integral to your pool’s ecosystem, circulating and filtering the water to keep it clean and clear. However, concerns about energy costs, equipment wear, and the effects of rain on water quality can make this decision challenging. In this article, we'll explore the impacts of rain on your pool and guide managing your pool pump in wet weather, ensuring your pool remains a safe and enjoyable oasis even after the clouds roll in.

The Role of a Pool Pump

A pool pump plays a crucial role in maintaining the cleanliness and safety of your pool water. It is responsible for circulating the water in the pool, filtering out debris and other impurities, and distributing the chemicals that keep the water clean and safe for swimming. Without a pool pump, your pool water would rapidly grow stagnant and filthy, posing potential health risks and necessitating costly repairs.

The Impact of Rain on Pool Water

Rainwater can have both positive and negative effects on pool water. On the one hand, rainwater can help to dilute the pool's chemicals, reducing the risk of over-chlorination or other chemical imbalances. This can be beneficial for pool owners who are concerned about the potential health risks associated with swimming in highly chlorinated water.

On the other hand, rainwater can introduce new contaminants and impurities into the pool water. This can include dirt, debris, and even harmful bacteria or viruses that can cause illness or infection. Furthermore, if the pool water becomes overly diluted by precipitation, the efficacy of the pool's circulation and filtration system suffers, making it more difficult to maintain the water clean and safe for swimming.

Above Ground Pool Heat Pump

Above Ground Pool Heat Pump

Should You Turn Off Your Pool Pump When It is Raining?

Now that we've established the significance of pool pumps and the impacts of precipitation on pool water, let's look at whether you should switch off your pool pump when it rains. The answer to this question mainly depends on the pool pump and filtration system.

The straightforward answer is that it's typically best to keep your pool pump running during rain. The pump's action helps to prevent debris from settling and mixes rainwater with the pool's existing water, which can dilute contaminants and maintain proper chemical balance.

Nevertheless, during heavy rainfall, your pool's system may struggle with the additional water volume. If this occurs, it's not about turning off the pump but rather managing its workload. You might consider shortening the pump's running time or tweaking the settings to accommodate the increased water level. Moreover, if your pump and filtration system are designed to handle such conditions, there may be no need for adjustments at all.

It is also important to consider the condition of the pool water when deciding whether or not to turn off the pump during a rainstorm. If the pool water is already dirty or contaminated, turning off the pump during a rainstorm can exacerbate the problem by allowing the contaminants to settle at the bottom of the pool.

Turning off the pump for a short amount of time during a downpour, on the other hand, is unlikely to have a substantial influence on the pool's cleanliness or safety if the water is already clean and well-maintained.

Pool Heat Pump Manufacturer

Pool Heat Pump Manufacturer

What to Do After It Rains

Once the rain stops, it will be time for you to clean the pool and do maintenance on the water properly. Be sure to follow these steps after any major rain event that either raises the water level in your pool significantly or causes a lot of dirt and debris to fall into the pool.

First, get the pool back to a normal water level. If the rain has dumped a lot of water in the pool, it will be important to drain some of the water so that the level is correct again. This draining step is necessary to ensure that the filters, pumps, and other mechanisms in the pool work properly.

Next, empty the skimmer basket of everything that was collected while it was raining so that you can start with a clean basket. Once the clean skimmer basket is replaced, you can turn on the pump to start moving the water around. This will not only start sending some of the dirt and debris to the skimmer basket, but it will also mix the rainwater thoroughly with the other pool water.

Then, shock your pool. Shocking involves adding chlorine to the pool to kill any bacteria. This step is needed after it rains since the chlorine will probably have been diluted by the rainwater. Shock your pool as you normally do during regular maintenance.

Wholesale Swimming Pool Heat Pump Supplier

Wholesale Swimming Pool Heat Pump Supplier

While the chlorine is doing its job to clean the pool, you can start to clean out the excess dirt and debris. You can use a manual skimmer to collect large leaves or anything else floating in the pool. This will help prevent the skimmer basket from getting full quickly and help speed up the cleaning process.

Finally, once the pool is cleaned, you are almost ready to swim in it again. To make sure the water is safe, test it to determine which chemicals need adjusting. You can take some sample water to your local pool shop or test it at home. From there, you will know which chemicals to add to make sure the water is clean and safe for swimming.


In conclusion, whether or not you should turn off your pool pump when it rains depends on various factors. However, it is generally advisable to keep the pump running to maintain the cleanliness and safety of the pool water. After the rain, proper maintenance and cleaning are necessary to restore thechemical balance and cleanliness of the pool. Remember, a well-maintained pool is not only a joy to swim in but also a testament to the care and attention you give to your home and your health. 

By the way, if you are looking for a new Swimming Pool heat pump, AIROSD is ideal for you.


Should I shock my pool before or after it rains?

The best time to shock your pool is after rain rather than before. This allows you to test the pool water and make any adjustments necessary to the alkalinity etc before shocking.

Is rainwater bad for a pool?

Rainwater is generally acidic so it can lower the pH in the pool, meaning you will have to adjust it afterward. If your pool is only receiving additional water directly from the rain it isn’t such an issue but if your garden gets flooded and rainwater enters the pool from there it may cause more major issues.

Why does the pool turn green after it rains?

This does not always happen of course but it can happen. The reason is that the rainwater can alter the chemistry in the pool to such a degree that it promotes algae growth, particularly when the sun comes out after the rain stops.

Can a pool pump get wet?

Pool pumps are made to be outside so that they still function when they get wet, particularly when it rains. If the area the pump sits on gets flooded it may affect the pump. Your pool equipment will last longer if under cover though.

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